Thursday, April 5, 2007


Boss is seriously overprogrammed.

We do not go to campus on Thursdays, not until Spring semester is over and the Summer session begins, right?


So today, I am hustled out of my morning nap and led to the car, which could be some adventure for lunch, except that we keep going, and suddenly I am thinking that this is some whacked-out mistake and I should do something about it, but I catch a whiff around Mugu Rock and I'm thinking, okay, I should do something about it after I get my run up Deer Creek.

Which I do.

After Deer Creek.

Boss is so forgetful that we go all the way to campus, and we even go to the restaurant where I customarily get half a steak sandwich.

He still fucking thinks this is Tuesday.

I feel guilty all the way home for not having made a statement earlier.

Monkeys and bears use sticks to get honey out of hives.

I could not care less about honey, but Deer Creek is another matter.

I allow Boss to think this is Tuesday. It is a small thing, really.

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