Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Don't Let Your Puppies Grow up to Be Republicans

Just mulling over the implications of the latest poll in Human: A Dog's Guide to the Other Species has left me frustrated and depressed:

Dogs who get into fights are dogs of Republican owners

Dogs who get into the Westminster Dog Trials are dogs of Republican owners

which means we do their fighting and they get to do dumb tricks for dumb treats

There is some Second Amendment thing that Republicans use as a basis for owning concealed Pit Bulls

Ain't no pinko gonna take ma Pit Bull

Republicans are opposed to Welfare payments for mixed-breed mothers

Right--make 'em get jobs as body guards for pedigree dogs

Bugger all! I'm going to Deer Creek to run off my outrage.

1 comment:

R.L. Bourges said...

sally: you add "Mothers," at the start of that title and you have someone do up your statement like a war bonds poster? You'll make a killing (no wait, you might need to change that to "don't let your puppies grow up to be Democrats". It's the Republicans that have the dough.) Whatever works, right? You'll make a killing, I tell ya.