Thursday, July 9, 2009


Dogs do not approve of changes in routine.
Unless, of course, the change in routine accrues to a dog's benefit, which is to say more outings in the car with Boss, more walks with Boss, more visits to that place where Boss gets coffee and meets friends, more lamb shank bones, more things to herd, more projects taken on by Boss.
To change a routine merely for the sake of change is not negotiable.
This might give you the notion that dogs have self-interest on turbo drive. Not. Dogs are interested always in making the now as momentous as possible, as orderly as seemly, as alive with challenge and problem solving as possible. This allows the dog to step up to being a worthy companion.
Boss sometimes puts the tease on me by comparing me to Mr. S. in a book called The Remains of the Day. You want, he says, to be the best dog in the Tri-Counties area.
Why stop there, I think, but put the tease right back on him by feigning interest in something over toward the C. estate next door to where we live.
Companion, I say in between barks at the imaginary something,the best companion. Ever.

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